Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My beautiful niece...

Wow.  She truly is beautiful, inside and out.  I remember the first time I got to see her.  She was born in southern California and my brother came up to visit at Christmas.  She was already a month old, but she still seemed so tiny.  We stuffed her in a Christmas stocking to take pictures.  Genesis Hadassah. 
I love you so much, and I'm so proud of the woman you're becoming.  It has been a blessing to grow up with you in my life.  I was 16 when you were born, and I spent as much time with you and your brother as I could.  You were my mini me that I could dress up and fix your hair.  I could rattle off a list of cherished memories I hold dear to my heart.  Now you are big, but still small like me.  ;)  You are finished with high school and a new life is out there waiting for you to discover it and make it yours.  I can't wait to see where your journey will take you!

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