Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Enjoying outside.

 The baby was a bit fussy today, but we learned that she enjoys swinging in our hammock chair on the back porch.  I needed to fix dinner so Talullah took a shift of swinging Amberlie.
 I caught what must be the sweetest moment on camera today.  Berlyn was in her dress up clothes, but she was not a princess.  Oh no.  She informed us she was the Queen.  Sitting atop the slide, she yelled over to Nick, "Servant!  Bring me some water!"  Nick and I just raised our eyebrows at each other and I mouthed the word "Really?!".  I went back inside to finish cleaning and I grabbed the camera when I overheard my daughter proposing to her daddy.  She was cupping his face in her hands and saying "Will you marry me?"  He tried to convince her that a servant couldn't marry a Queen, but she persisted.  I even ran outside telling her that he was MY king.  Looking at me and staying right in character she said, "I'm a Queen too. "  She proceeded to ask him again.  "Will you marry me?"
Sarah Sophia is pregnant.  She's a teen mom, and she just looks miserable with her too tiny face compared to that big, swollen belly.  I seriously pray for that kitty every day.  Surely she's used 8 of her 9 lives already surviving her kittenhood around my rambunctious daughters.  Here is Havanna, just lounging in the chair with a grudgingly patient Sarah Sophia.  I guess the cat doesn't quite realize she has claws, or the capability to escape these toddler hands.

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