Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Nature Walk

While at my brother's house a few weeks ago, we took the kids on a nature walk.  I wrapped some clear tape, sticky side out, around their wrists and they got to collect leaves, flowers, etc. that they found on our adventure outside.  The kids all loved it!  What a great opportunity to get us all outside on a beautifuly, sunny morning in Yuba City.

My beautiful niece...

Wow.  She truly is beautiful, inside and out.  I remember the first time I got to see her.  She was born in southern California and my brother came up to visit at Christmas.  She was already a month old, but she still seemed so tiny.  We stuffed her in a Christmas stocking to take pictures.  Genesis Hadassah. 
I love you so much, and I'm so proud of the woman you're becoming.  It has been a blessing to grow up with you in my life.  I was 16 when you were born, and I spent as much time with you and your brother as I could.  You were my mini me that I could dress up and fix your hair.  I could rattle off a list of cherished memories I hold dear to my heart.  Now you are big, but still small like me.  ;)  You are finished with high school and a new life is out there waiting for you to discover it and make it yours.  I can't wait to see where your journey will take you!

The New and Improved Nick

For those of you who haven't seen Nick in awhile...  here's a photo update.

Haha.  Just kidding.  We would be enrolled in marriage counseling real quick like if my husband kept this look for more then a few minutes.  In fact, I never even got to see this look.  He always lets his facial hair grow on his days off work.  He had three weeks off of work after Amberlie was born, so he had quite the beard, as you can imagine.  This picture was taken the night before he was scheduled to return to jail (jail being work), and he had Talullah snap some shots during his face shaving process.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


T having cuddle time with her baby sister.

I'm just in love with this summer outfit.

Sleeping beauty!

What can you expect trying to get all four girls to pose for a picture?  This.

Ashley came to visit! I love that her scarf matched Amberlie's outfit.

Two cuties.

Papa and Amberlie sharing a moment.

These girls sure do love to hold their sister.

I'm starting to think that Amberlie isn't going to know her name when she grows up.  Nine out of ten times, when her sisters talk about her, they refer to her as 'the new baby'.  "Mom?  Can I hold the new baby?"  or "Where is the new baby"  or "This is our new baby."

Enjoying outside.

 The baby was a bit fussy today, but we learned that she enjoys swinging in our hammock chair on the back porch.  I needed to fix dinner so Talullah took a shift of swinging Amberlie.
 I caught what must be the sweetest moment on camera today.  Berlyn was in her dress up clothes, but she was not a princess.  Oh no.  She informed us she was the Queen.  Sitting atop the slide, she yelled over to Nick, "Servant!  Bring me some water!"  Nick and I just raised our eyebrows at each other and I mouthed the word "Really?!".  I went back inside to finish cleaning and I grabbed the camera when I overheard my daughter proposing to her daddy.  She was cupping his face in her hands and saying "Will you marry me?"  He tried to convince her that a servant couldn't marry a Queen, but she persisted.  I even ran outside telling her that he was MY king.  Looking at me and staying right in character she said, "I'm a Queen too. "  She proceeded to ask him again.  "Will you marry me?"
Sarah Sophia is pregnant.  She's a teen mom, and she just looks miserable with her too tiny face compared to that big, swollen belly.  I seriously pray for that kitty every day.  Surely she's used 8 of her 9 lives already surviving her kittenhood around my rambunctious daughters.  Here is Havanna, just lounging in the chair with a grudgingly patient Sarah Sophia.  I guess the cat doesn't quite realize she has claws, or the capability to escape these toddler hands.

TWO?! Already?!

This little beauty is two months old today?  Time flies, and I'm sure I'll be thinking that ever single month from now until forever.  These girls are just growing like weeds.  Amberlie has been an easy going baby so far, although she wanted to celebrate her second month by being in my arms ALL day.  She is such a joy and is full of smiles.  We can't get enough of this cutie!