Friday, May 31, 2013

Stop, already!

I can't even handle this.  It's just too cute for words.  But, here it goes...
We had the pleasure of having Jase and Aiden over tonight for a little play date.  The girls were absolutely thrilled.  Minutes after Emily dropped them off, all 6 of us (Jase, Aiden, Talullah, Berlyn, Havanna, and myself) were all locked up in the trampoline, showing off our individual talents.  Everyone would sit around the edge while one person took their turn showing off a special 'trick'.  The kids could do this for hours.  We were even giving Havanna her own turn, which was comical, to say the least.  We went inside for pizza, then the kids all played legos and care bears while I cleaned house.  They even picked up all the toys while I got Havanna in her pj's.  I will say that the process was pretty painless once I bribed them with a tv show and otter pops if everything got put in the proper place.  Worked like a charm.  Sitting on the couch watching 'Signing Time', there was little Berlyn holding Jase's hand.  She just wouldn't let him go.  He was so cooperative and willing, being a sweet friend and staying right by her side.  Aiden and Talullah teamed together to pull their chairs as close as possible to the screen.  It was a sweet site.
I admit that there are many times things do not go this smoothly with a house full of kids.  But, sometimes... sometimes God slips miracle moments into our lives so we can go to bed feeling all warm and fuzzy and quite accomplished.  This was a very good day.

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