Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Oops, I did it again.

It was naptime.  A friend had stopped by and borrowed a few stamps just before I laid Berlyn down.  Then Nick called, so I sat on the couch to nurse the baby while I had the routine lunch time chat with my husband. Minutes after I sat down, I saw Berlyn's adorable face peeking around the corner at the end of the hallway.  "GO. Lay. Down."  This was not the first warning she'd received for getting out of her bed.  I did a quick double take before she turned around, and a ball formed in the pit of my stomach.  Was it just a shadow, or did her face seem really pink?  And if her face is pink.....  Oh,  Lord.  What else is pink?!  I said a frantic good bye to Nick, but not before he used his magic calming voice to talk me down a bit.  "Breathe, Evelyn.  Just take a deep breathe, and call me back in a few."
My precious child had gotten into the craft room and found one of the stamp pads that had not been put away.  This photo, mind you, only captures her face.  Imagine her hands, her arms, her legs.  Her bed sheets.  And dear God, the white carpet.  All I can say is, I'm glad it's pink and not black or green.  At least it matches the bedroom decor and the outfits she'll be wearing this week.

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