Friday, May 31, 2013

Stop, already!

I can't even handle this.  It's just too cute for words.  But, here it goes...
We had the pleasure of having Jase and Aiden over tonight for a little play date.  The girls were absolutely thrilled.  Minutes after Emily dropped them off, all 6 of us (Jase, Aiden, Talullah, Berlyn, Havanna, and myself) were all locked up in the trampoline, showing off our individual talents.  Everyone would sit around the edge while one person took their turn showing off a special 'trick'.  The kids could do this for hours.  We were even giving Havanna her own turn, which was comical, to say the least.  We went inside for pizza, then the kids all played legos and care bears while I cleaned house.  They even picked up all the toys while I got Havanna in her pj's.  I will say that the process was pretty painless once I bribed them with a tv show and otter pops if everything got put in the proper place.  Worked like a charm.  Sitting on the couch watching 'Signing Time', there was little Berlyn holding Jase's hand.  She just wouldn't let him go.  He was so cooperative and willing, being a sweet friend and staying right by her side.  Aiden and Talullah teamed together to pull their chairs as close as possible to the screen.  It was a sweet site.
I admit that there are many times things do not go this smoothly with a house full of kids.  But, sometimes... sometimes God slips miracle moments into our lives so we can go to bed feeling all warm and fuzzy and quite accomplished.  This was a very good day.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Family Reunion!

My brother Adam and his family with the grandparents

Little Logan giving great grandma a kiss goodbye

A little auntie love.  Hugging Michael and realize how much he's grown.

My family and my grandparents.

Hey, sometimes this mom and dad need a break.

Rare moment caught on camera.  Toddlers sharing?!

Eating a good bbq lunch and playing volleyball.

Teaching Berlyn the fine art of being horrible at tennis.

Berlyn is such a cutie.

My cousin Nicole and her baby Sierra.

I'm blowing the bubble gun for the babies.

Seriously.  Is she adorable, or what?!

Aunt Jackie and baby Sierra.

Wow.  Nana without any kiddo's in hand?!  Where are the girls???

Grandma and Grandpa Perry

Looks like Havanna is being a little rough with Papa.

Ha!  Get him, Berlyn!  Squirting daddy with water.

Papa caught in the act.  He's spraying Logan with the silly string!
My Aunt Lois made a trip to Sylmar, CA to pick up my grandma and grandpa Perry.  Then, all of the aunts/uncles/cousins met up at a park in Redding to spend valuable time with family.  I wish we'd taken more pictures; there are so many family members I didn't capture.  However, when the majority of your time is spent trying to keep 3 very active children in your line of vision, your social life tends to take the back burner.  I was so happy that Nick was able to take time off work to join us, and we truly enjoyed ourselves.  A big thanks to Lois and Ken for making it all happen!

Friends are FUN!

I picked up our friend Aidan from school today.  For anyone who has to do this daily, I give you a big high five for dealing with the chaotic mess of crowded school parking lots and not LOSING YOUR MIND.  I'm sold on home schooling, if for no other reason, than not having my heart rate increase during the early morning drop off/ afternoon pick up.  Not. Worth. It.  *I might be feeling a bit hormonal*
Anyway, Talullah was so excited about having her buddy over that she (get this!)  chose to NOT go over to Nana's house.  I know.  I almost fell out of the drivers seat when she declined Nana's invite.  These kids played so well together for 5 straight hours.  They jumped on the trampoline, rode the scooters, and although I'm not quite sure Aidan even knew he was a part of this game, Talullah was thrilled to have a King for her and the baby.

Little Spritzer

Havanna has learned how to pull the trigger on the spray bottle.  It's quiet entertaining.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Silly Sisters

I'm going through my pictures and trying to edit a few to print.  I'm incredibly behind in my scrapbooking.  During the process I came across these cuties, and I couldn't help but smiling.  These silly little girls are too sweet for words.  They love each other so much, which makes a momma so proud.  *sigh*  Why can't they just stay my babies forever?!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Before all the madness

Before the terrifying incident with the cabinet falling on Berlyn, here are Talullah and Havanna in the Barbie jeep.  Havanna made us all jump when she found the 'go' pedal, all by herself.  The jeep was in reverse and jolted backwards.  It's hard to see, but can you check out the CUTEST romper that Havanna has on.  I just found it at a yard sale today for .50, and I'm absolutely in love with it.  Do you ever have an outfit that just speaks to you?  I've already sworn that she will wear this outfit once a week until she outgrows it.  And then I will probably try to find a way to creatively alter it to make it last even longer.  Did I already say I love it?  Once Talullah saw the camera out, she jumped right in, posing with her baby.  New preemie outfit, also courtesy of a yard sale today.

Today, a lesson was learned

The hard way.  The girls and I had been playing outside for hours, and we were having a grand time.  I had the bounce house going, and I even brought out loads of stuffed animals to throw in the mix.  The barbie jeep had been driven and the trampoline had been jumped on.  The time had come to clean up, and I was putting the bounce house away when I heard a crash.  Then a cry.  A frantic, blood curdling kind of cry.  My heart stopped and I ran to the porch where I found Berlyn completely trapped under the corner cabinet that had toppled over.  Broken glass was everywhere and none of us were wearing shoes.  I lifted the cabinet and placed Berlyn inside away from the shards.  I ran back to the porch to grab Havanna and Talullah, too.
I'm not sure if she was trying to climb on it, or perhaps just wildly swinging the lower cabinet doors.  I do know that this evil, awful piece of furniture attacked my daughter and could have seriously injured her.  I'm a firm believer in the grace of God, and there is no doubt in my mind that He is watching out for my beautiful baby.  After the initial shock wore off, and I had washed the blood from her hand and her feet, she only has a small pinprick of an owie on the palm of her hand where a piece of glass poked her.  There were some tiny nicks on the tops of her feet, but nothing still noticeable after we washed the blood away.  No trip to the ER for a concussion or stitches.  Not even a bump or a bruise on her body.  Tonight, I might have a few more gray hairs on my head, but I'm going to bed a very thankful momma.  And on this weeks agenda: smashing that cabinet to smitherings, and bolting every other piece of furniture to the wall.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Oops, I did it again.

It was naptime.  A friend had stopped by and borrowed a few stamps just before I laid Berlyn down.  Then Nick called, so I sat on the couch to nurse the baby while I had the routine lunch time chat with my husband. Minutes after I sat down, I saw Berlyn's adorable face peeking around the corner at the end of the hallway.  "GO. Lay. Down."  This was not the first warning she'd received for getting out of her bed.  I did a quick double take before she turned around, and a ball formed in the pit of my stomach.  Was it just a shadow, or did her face seem really pink?  And if her face is pink.....  Oh,  Lord.  What else is pink?!  I said a frantic good bye to Nick, but not before he used his magic calming voice to talk me down a bit.  "Breathe, Evelyn.  Just take a deep breathe, and call me back in a few."
My precious child had gotten into the craft room and found one of the stamp pads that had not been put away.  This photo, mind you, only captures her face.  Imagine her hands, her arms, her legs.  Her bed sheets.  And dear God, the white carpet.  All I can say is, I'm glad it's pink and not black or green.  At least it matches the bedroom decor and the outfits she'll be wearing this week.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's all about me!

I know this is HARD to believe, but this post is not about the kids.  When does that happen?!  I broke out some old cd's today, and look what I found.  It's one of many DJ Groove Mama mixes that Jenny made for me years ago.  This one is titled "Diggity Dance".  There are others... But this is the one we grooved to today.  I put it in the player, and the girls (dang it!  It IS about the kids!)  ran crazy circles in my room getting down to the music.  We even took it in the car while running errands around Eureka.  I'm not embarrassed to say that I could still recite 95% of TLC's "Waterfalls".  I also boogied a little bit of "Pretty Fly for a White Guy"....  I 'partied like it's 1999'.