We stood in honor as the shots rung from the 21 gun salute outside. |
My grandma humbly accepted the flag in memory of her husband. |
My dad led the service with such love and respect. |
Logan helped sing a silly song that his great grandpa used to sing. "When Papa put the paper on the walls..." |
We all gathered around as they lowered the coffin into the ground. |
Adam and James comfort Logan, crying for his great grandpa. |
Saying goodbye is harder than ever. |
Berlyn tried to comfort her Papa and he held his grieving mom. |
Aunt Lois and a few others helped cover the coffin as a final goodbye. |
Havanna passes some love onto her great Aunt Lois. |
Alyssa read a few scriptures during the service. |
My Uncle Tom sat and watched the coffin lower into the ground. |
Aunt Pam waits for her turn to help cover the coffin of her father. |
My grandma was the last to say words to my grandpa and throw a handful of dirt into the grave. |
| |
June 17th we received some devastating news that my grandfather had passed away. It was fairly quick and unexpected, and our family felt a wave of unbearable grief. As much as I wish God would have spared us a few more years to share
more memories, I'm so thankful for the time that I've spent with him.
Three of my girls were able to meet him and love him. I still have a
voicemail saved from the last phone call from him. Grandma and grandpa
are singing Happy Birthday to baby Amberlie. My grandpa was the only person I've ever met who was loved by ALL who knew him. I have yet to hear of a single negative experience or even one harsh word on his behalf. He was the most loving, gentle, and caring man. When I die, as we all do, I pray that such kind and heartfelt words are spoken in my memory. He spent his time doting on his ailing wife. He took great care to follow her strict diet and keep up with her doctor appointments and list of medications. He found time to make rounds of calls every week, checking in on family members around the country. After the service, I could hear people... "He called you, too? He used to call me every Saturday." He would call me to check on my husband when he was sick, or see how the girls were doing. That was just what he did. He cared. I remember calling my dad early on Saturday mornings and often receiving a busy signal on his land line. I'd call an hour later, still busy. I would know that my dad was on the phone talking to his father. It was their special father/son time. Even at 84 years old, this man had such a sharp mind. His memory was unshakeable. He knew all of his grand kids and great grand kids middle names and birth dates. He had a passion to learn genealogy and could nearly trace your origin back to Adam and Eve. When I think about it, I guess you could just say his passion was about people. He wanted to know people. Where they came from. What they stood for.
I can see so much of my grandpa in my dad, and as I sat through the memorial, I thanked God for giving me a family so full of love. It's remarkable how many lives were touched by this great man who loved so freely. Our hearts are heavy as we lay my grandpa to rest. In a sense, this man paved a road that I hope to follow. He raised his son, my father, with a gentle spirit. I pray, Lord, lead me to have that same humble compassion for those around me. Let those caring traits run through me so that I can leave a legacy of love, like grandpa.
Such a beautiful tribute to a man well loved. Blessings of comfort to all of you