Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

We had such a great Easter.  The weather forecast declared rain, but God parted the clouds and let the sun shine brightly long enough to enjoy an outdoor egg hunt.  On our way home from church, Miss T waved her arms in the air "Thank you Jesus for giving us this sunshine!"  It surely was a blessing because the moment the last egg was found I'm pretty sure the temperature dropped ten degrees.  Of course, that didn't stop the kids from playing outside with their cousins.  They had been anxiously counting down the days until Easter simply for the fact that their favorite friends were coming to visit.  I'm so glad they love their family.
After an encouraging message at the morning service the children were bombarded with sweets during a 'candy rain'.  There were three beautiful bikes to be won and on the way home Talullah told me that she had gotten the 'golden' ticket to win, but she gave it away.  What?!  But that bike was beautiful, Talullah!  "I know, mom.  But I already have a bike.  And that other girl might not."  Sigh... So thankful for such a sweet spirit.  But also, a free bike?! 
We enjoyed good food and great conversation with our family.  It was a nice, relaxing afternoon.  The best party of my day, you ask?  While I sat and talked to my SIL, Dallass, my absolutely amazing husband did all of the clean up.  ALL.  The. Cleaning.  Dishes, sweeping, putting food away.  When I came home from a some what stressful evening service (trying to manage 3 sugar high girls and one fussy baby) I found that Nick and even vacuumed the house.  *Mind blown* 
Happy Easter, my friends.  As a family, we are solemn in remembering the pain and suffering that Christ endured during his crucifixion.  But more importantly, we rejoice knowing that he died for our sins, and he rose again.  I sure do love a happy ending!

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