Monday, August 25, 2014

Amberlie Eden

She's getting so big.  Too big.  She's not even past her third month and already her 3 month pj's are getting too small.  She holds her head up so strong that I even put her in the baby bouncer for the first time today.  She did great for at least fifteen minutes before her poor little head started to droop forward and I had to take her out to rest.  She loved it though.  Berlyn loved swinging the bouncer like a pendulum in the doorway.  This baby is so happy and content; there is almost always a smile on her face.  She loves her sisters getting in her face and lugging her around the house.  She loves watching any of her toys that hang from her car seat handle or her bouncy chair.  And I love, love, love her sweet, chubby cheeks. 

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