Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Father of the Year goes to....
This man. He's AMAZING. At night, we paint this gross tasting stuff on Berlyn's nails to help her stop the nail biting. She hates it, to say the very least. It breaks our heart. We ask her if she wants to paint it on, or if she wants us to paint it on. She just bawls and says NOBODY!!! Being some sort of crazy genius, Nick developed an alter ego. Nobody. He will leave the room and come back as 'Nobody', tripping over stuff and bumping into walls. The girls love it. Before I know it, there is sweet little Berlyn, painting that stuff on her nails with a smile on her face, showing Mr. Nobody how it's done. Then, Nobody is carting the girls off to their bed. What an absolute PRO.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Cousins are VBFF
Gillian gave Talullah the sweetest card today. The outside had all of these stickers on it, and the inside was a picture of the two cousins. Is that the sweetest thing you've ever seen?! It gets even better. We did a craft last night at our house, and Talullah had made hers especially for her cousins. So without even knowing it, cousins had been making gifts for cousins!
Having four girls of my own, it's rare that I post a blog about someone else's birthday party. However, there was no way I could resist posting pictures from Summer's birthday which featured Elsa as a special guest. Wow. Talk about magical moments. It was so sweet watching the swarm of mini princess gather around the Queen herself. As she sang, you could see them all mouth the words right along with her.
Happy birthday, Miss Summer. We love you!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Cooking Class
Today we decided to make oatmeal cookies. Oatmeal cookies always need M&M's. I let the girls help out in the kitchen, so there may, or may not.... Ok, there was most definitely double-dipping of fingers into the cookie dough. We stopped caring about germs a long time ago.
New Tricks
Berlyn love crawling into sister's crib to hold her. She has also recently learned how to go cross-eyed, which is also very exciting.
Family Favorites
We bought this swing a few months ago, and it is one of those items that you know you have gotten your money's worth out of. It gets used every day. A lot.
It was so sweet when I noticed Berlyn had crawled up next to Amberlie and drifted off to sleep. Then I noticed the binkie. It should be in the 4 months old mouth. Not the four year olds.
Go little google!
I brought home this sweat band knowing it would get good use. And so it did. Berlyn hasn't stopped wearing it. She rallied up a team (Talullah and Havanna) and they ran laps around the house. Berlyn even took down some of the fancy headbands so the girls could have sweat bands, too.
I. Am. A. Robot.
Havanna. This kid is a serious clown. She was walking around the yard saying "I. Am. A. Robot." and then it turned into, "Hey! Who turned out the lights?!"
Those chickens...
On days that I want to avoid sweeping the floor a dozen times, I put the girls outside for lunch. They love it. I love it. It's a win/win situation. Actually, the chickens love it too, so it's kind of a win/win/win situation. I'm starting to think I'm not feeding these birds enough. I was sitting on the lounge chair with my food, and they started picking right off my plate! Er... pan. I didn't feel like dirtying another plate.
Did I do that?!?!
Miss T. just graduated from a car seat to a booster. Can we say THRILLED?! She was ecstatic. Talullah came up to me, almost frantic. "MOM! Someone made a HUGE mess in the school room. I don't know who could have done it. It must have happened while we were gone." Considering the fact that all of her sisters were asleep, I found this intriguing enough to stop making dinner and go see what my dearest daughter was talking about. Sure enough, there was quite a mess. Pens on the floor, craft supplies scattered everywhere, tape, glue, toilet paper rolls... Very suspicious.
Talullah then comes out of her room with her new 'race car' all dolled up with stripes and glitter. Super cool car, Talullah. But... who on earth could have made that huge mess in the school room? I'm totally stumped.
I am SO ready for this little munchkin to have ponytails
What? Too much? I found this wig at a yard sale, and I just fell in love. I wore it for a few hours, too.
101 uses for a robe's sash
It was Saturday morning, so of course, Papa was over playing with the girls. This has been our Saturday morning ritual for the past 5 years. Nana used to come, too, but now she babysits the girls while I work on Friday's. By Saturday morning, she deserves a few hours of peace and quiet. This particular weekend, a chill was in the air. It is clear that our summer heat wave is over and Fall is here. I'm actually ready for the cold weather. I even welcome the rain. I'm ready to stop rushing around to parks, play dates, and picnics. I want to just sit inside with a blanket and a cup of coffee and read a book, dang it! Then I remember that I have four little girls. Hahahhaah. Read a book. SIT and enjoy a cup of coffee. Hahahhahaha. What pure luxury that would be.
I digress.
This particular Saturday, one of the girls had found the sash that goes around Nick's bathrobe. I looked out the window and saw Papa and two cute little doggies being led by leashes. I saw Talullah galloping around with her horse.
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