Baby girl, we were so anxious and excited to meet you, we couldn't even let you come on your own time. A day before my due date, we went to the hospital to speed up the process. You still kept this impatient momma waiting a long, long eight hours before you were finally cuddled safely in my arms. You and all of your thick, white vernix blanketing your skin. You have tiny, long fingers and little, bitty toes. You were 7.8 pounds of beauty. In awe I cradled you, examining you from head to toe, amazed at your absolute perfection. There's something magical about a newborn. I would love to freeze time and rock you in my arms forever. Yet, at the same time, your dad I look at your with anticipation and wonder. Will you look like any of your sisters? What will your personality be like? What does your future hold in store for you? My eyes cloud with joyful tears as I kiss your sweet, soft face. Thank God for blessing us with another beautiful daughter to love and cherish and guide through life. As a mom, I'm definitely a work in progress, constantly examining my own imperfections and hypocrisies in order to exemplify the kind of woman I hope that you will be. But know this, my precious baby girl, while I will inevitably say the wrong thing from time to time, and I will have to apologize to you for mistakes I will surely make, there will always and forever be nothing but love for you in my heart. I love you with everything that I am, the same way that I love each one of your older sisters. As our family has grown in numbers, my hearts capacity to love has increased accordingly. You have a whole family ready to love you and ready to drive you just as crazy as we are. Get ready.