Amberlie was given a cute bunny that sucks it's thumb. |
The look on their faces when they saw Berlyn's baby doll! |
She specifically asked us to pose with her and 'Jasmine'. |
We had to give the girls the camera for a bit so we could be in photos, too. |
Nick likes his new vest. That sexy beast. |
She's already asking me to do her hair. |
Amberlie wants a stocking, too! |
Mom's don't have stockings. But Nick didn't know that and he'd bought something to fill mine! Can you see where he improvised? |
His & Hers |
A stocking for ME?! |

Wow. THREE whole days of Christmas. First, Christmas Eve, Eve with Papa and Nana. Then Christmas Eve with Nick's family. THEN, we had special Christmas miracle when a coworker of Nicks volunteered to take over his Christmas day shift at the jail. You better believe I was one happy woman. It would've been so sad and un-holidayish to wake up with just me and the girls on Christmas morning. Instead, Nick stayed home and we all slept in until 7:30. Another Christmas miracle. Then we made breakfast and the girls gathered around while I read them the story of Jesus' birth. Be impressed, people. This is the very first year that I let everyone stay in their jammies while we opened presents. Typically, if the camera is going to be out and available, it's grounds for shower,clothes, and hair bows. I must be getting lazy in my old age, but I'll admit it feel kind of special to stay all cozy in the new pajama's Nana had given everyone. This year we really scaled it down. Aside from filling the stockings with play dough (already regretting that decision), gum (totally and completely regretting that, too), and some accessories for their dolls, the girls each got a special gift and a book from Nick and I. Havanna got a bike with training wheels. Talullah got her baby doll with blonde hair and BROWN eyes, just like her. It's exactly what she wanted. And Berlyn got the most adorable little baby 'Jasmine' that we adopted from Africa. She has a certain fascination about other languages and cultures, so it was just so fitting. And she has been taking that baby doll everywhere! This was definitely a special day, just our little Downey family of six. Spending time together in our new house and enjoying all of the blessing we've been given.